Our debut with FishHead Magazine was an exciting experience. We had been involved in much of FishHead's design and branding right from it's conception over a year ago, that is except for the magazine's design itself...
It was a great feeling being able to work with such great photography and writing. Our primary aim for this debut issue was to create a layout that not only emphasizes this amazing content but also acts as a solid base for which we can build upon and evolve over time. We realized early on, that in order to achieve this, we were going to need to provide the imagery and text as much breathing space as possible. An objective achieved by splitting the text layout into 3 columns with plenty of padding and by using a double page 'hero' picture on features as often as possible.
The main challnge of this issue was the cover. As there wasn't a lot of space around the models for us to place the feature titles we were forced to write over the top of their bodies. Normally this wouldn't be such a problem, however there were so many colours used in the male model's shirt that it was quite difficult to make the text stand-out without using a completely unrelated, super-bright font colour. In the end we went for a solid white font with a subtle drop shadow to help give the feature titles that little bit extra 'pop'.
All-in-all we feel this was a particularly successful issue and we look forward to developing this design over the coming issues.